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jimmy where are you


Inner. Yandere. Is. Out. ...also love the true ending.


One hell of a true end XD


these games were fun but too short

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personally i feel the sisters ending is the true ending


I thought that too, it seemed more fitting than the real ebding.

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I'm glad girls became parnters... in crime... again. I know it sounds weird xD but it's actually pretty funny game... about killing... and romance :)

edit: this part is much darker than previous 

True ending is so sad :( . Technicly all of them are... 

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 I only got bad endings, jeez this game is creepy some times... still really like it tho!

ive found there only 1 good end and thats if you pick the top choice when all three choices are help minami

wait is normal end the true end or nah???

Nope, sorry.


im really sad about true ending. i liked miho. WHY DID SHE HAVE TO DIE i cri

If this is predictable then I must be simpleminded because I honestly did not expect that true end.

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Hi again, after playing through the original Liar Liar and the spin off game Blood Idol Wakabayashi, I was really looking forward to seeing what Liar Liar 2 had in store, and I wasn't disappointed in the slightest. 

Everything that made the original so good and fun to play is here and then some, this time with an even longer story. New characters have been introduced and old ones have been  expanded upon to deliver some very interesting character developments, and character interactions. 

The art style is just as good as the previous game, and the music choices are absolutely fantastic and really drove home one of the bad endings for me, just outstanding overall. This is a great sequel with more story, more blood and more psychopathic murderers than ever before.    

Just as before, I've started a let's play series of the game on my channel, I hope you don't mind. Please let me know if this is an issue and I'll pull it immediately.

Cheers and best wishes to you, would love to see a third game someday!

I downloaded it, but it doesnt open itself. And i cant open it either. It also doesnt save itself on my desktop!

Well this is it folks no 3rd parts for anything good have ever come out.

Wasn't there going to be a final version to the demo?

it's not working on Mac? my comp asks if I want to open it but when I say yes it won't open. if I try to open it again nothing happens.

right click -> show package contents -> copy "contents"

create a new folder anywhere else -> place "contents" into said folder -> rename folder and give it extention .app

it should now open.

i really enjoyed this game! i just finished playing i think i got all the routes! ive never ready a VN like this before so it was great!

wow!!! the story turned into something least expected!!!

it was extremely fun to find all the endings i could and at some points i got a pretty skeeved out (LOVE the updated bad ending art!)

I think I seriously got every bad ending possible by accident! I was trying to find the true route for so long!! it was still fun, the art is really cute.

I love this game and it's predecessor! I really hope you make another game!<3

i hope so too. i really like these games and hope the story goes on to

Love this so much! I ship Tanaka and Tohru so much.. <33

THIS IS SUCH AN AMAZING GAME!!! Although this game is short, the story and each and every one of the endings were very interesting, and I enjoyed every second of it~ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS GAME!!! But the true ending tho XD

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I'm really loving this series! I hope you enjoy watching someone play it!!

EDIT: Here's part 2!~

oh boy here we go again.

ps just did another small series on this game as well

amazing and very funny

It wil be a ,,Liar Liar 3"?

_spoil don't read if u didn't paly the game yet_h

what I liked about this game is that everyone is killing everyone exept for Tanaka .... he is CUTE >W< I ship him with minami *_* AND I LOVED THE TRUE ENDING Thank u for making this game I realy enjoyed it the art is fantastic MERCI

I finally got the True End after many bad endings. It was a really good game!

wow that is a awesome game ^^ i like both of them :D

i thought that the 3 endings that was in the demo continue here.. good game tho, but i think the demo was much more interesting..

still, this is one of my favorite games ever! i wish there will be more :)



Holy shit - literally everyone's a murderer??? Except Tanaka of course, but he's the one that always gets killed. Always.

haha , yeah he is. I kinda think he is cool , but Yukari is still ma fave

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I can see why, if you take the fact that she killed 15+ people, then she is a rather good person. I like her character A LOT lololol

:3 can totally relatze to this x3

:3 can totally relatze to this x3

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unfortunately i cant play the game :( it seems to open then nothing happens so i tried spamming it but it still didn't work. so is there something i'm doing wrong or is the demo broken please help i really want to play the game! i'm using a mac with OS serria don't know if that matters though please help! i also had the same problem with the first game what do i do?!?!?!

Right click on the main file and click on contents. there should be a folder inside of it that says macOS, and inside of that folder should be a terminal that'll start the game. And don't try to put it into fullscreen, it makes the game close out for some reason

i found a way to make it work   1)  download 2) right click on game icon(girl w red hair)   3) click 'show package contents'   4)  open folder titled contents   5) open folder 'MacOs'  6)  right click open!!

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i as just commenting toask if i may have permission on starting a little serieson this game!

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Miho and Yukari were so cute, tho!

I wish you could edit this to have a 2 true ending to where koshi niho and minami and yukari survive

Amazing game! I'm exited to play your next game! <3

Really good game, the characters felt really good and fleshed out.

Also that true ending really caught me off guard.

Hi! I wonder - how to contact you by email or maybe on FaceBook? :)

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